FULL Credit for this fix goes to the awesome person that is Lucy Muscat. When we had this issue, and couldn’t find any relevant blogs or articles, she was there with the answer almost before I’d finished asking the question!
Tl;dr – If your Dynamics 365 App for Outlook is displaying a White Page – try clearing the cache in the browsers you use, and also include Internet Explorer! Even if you don’t use IE, Outlook Does!
We recently had an issue where all of our users found themselves greeted with a white screen when they were trying to use the Microsoft Dynamics 365 App for Outlook.
This happened in the main Outlook program and in the Outlook Web Access / Outlook 365 client. It also affected every browser from IE to Chrome to Edge and Safari, as well as every device.
As I was able to experience this exact same issue on my devices, my first thought was that some config had changed somewhere and that I needed to do a redeploy of the app from within Dynamics.
That didn’t work. Nor did the standard attempt to “Test and Enable” mailboxes or trying in an “In Private” browsing window.
When some frantic Googling / Bing-ing didn’t turn up any successful results I turned to the Microsoft Dynamics / Power Platform community to see if they could recommend anything – desperately hoping I wouldn’t have to log a support ticket as I was just about to go on holiday!
Thankfully the awesome Lucy Muscat swooped in with the answer – clear the browser cache, including Internet Explorer!
We hadn’t thought of this as a fix as it was affecting everybody, but it turns out that Microsoft had made some changes to the app and that led to this issue cropping up.
The big one that we would never have thought of is to ensure you clear the Internet Explorer cache. We use Chrome for our users, but the Outlook desktop client uses the IE rendering engine and so that needs to be included.
I won’t say the users were happy, having to purge your browser cache on multiple devices is a bit of a pain, but this did resolve the issue.
This is just another example of the community working together and sharing knowledge to make life easier, more effective, and less stressful!